RC bugs 2010/40

Let's join gregora and zack (and others, too lazy to search for links/names) and fix some RC bugs in Debian! So what happened last week?

  • passenger (#599024): passenger-doc: Package is empty - patch sent on 06.10.2010, lucas has uploaded it on the 07.10.2010 (with my name in Changed-By *g*)
  • cpu (#598173): cpu: FTBFS: Unable to locate package cracklib2-dev - NMU prepared and uploaded to DELAYED/10 on 06.10.2010 (10 because cpu has 2 important bugs I did not fix)
  • update-manager-gnome (#598202): update-manager-gnome: will not start - seems to be an issue with lsb_release, but I cannot reproduce it, asked submitter for more info
  • ktoon (#599303): ktoon: KToon crashes with Signal 11 - cannot reproduce either, asked submitter for more info
What does that mean? Two bugs are (almost) closed, two need more work. And this leads me to a feature I miss from http://udd.debian.org/bugs.cgi: a comment field as http://bts.turmzimmer.net/ has it. Will ping lucas about this later today. Oh, and on a side-note, I joined http://ask.debian.net - let's help our users :)


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