Using HPONCFG on CentOS Stream 9 with OpenSSL 3.2

Today I've updated an HPE ProLiant DL325 G10 from CentOS Stream 8 to CentOS Stream 9 (details on that to follow) and realized that hponcfg was broken afterwards.

As I do not have a support contract with HPE, I couldn't just yell at them in private, so I am doing this in public now ;-)

# hponcfg
HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility
Version 5.6.0 Date 11/30/2020 (c) 2005,2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Error: Unable to locate SSL library.
       Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG.

Welp, what the heck?

But wait, 5.6.0 from 2020 looks old, let's update this first!

hponcfg is part of the "Management Component Pack" (at least if you're not running RHEL or SLES where you get it via the "Service Pack for ProLiant" which requires a support contract) and can be downloaded from the Software Delivery Repository.

The Software Delivery Repository tells you to configure it in /etc/yum.repos.d/mcp.repo as

name=Management Component Pack

gpgcheck=0? Suuure! Plain HTTP? Suuure!

But it gets better! When you look at (you have to substitute dist with your distribution!) you'll see that there is no 9 folder and thus no packages for CentOS (Stream) 9. There are however folders for Oracle, Rocky and Alma. Phew. Let's take one of these!

name=Management Component Pack

dnf upgrade hponcfg updates it to hponcfg-6.0.0-0.x86_64 and:

# hponcfg
HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility
Version 6.0.0 Date 10/30/2022 (c) 2005,2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Error: Unable to locate SSL library.
       Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG.


ldd doesn't show hponcfg being linked to libssl, do they dlopen() at runtime and fucked something up? ltrace to the rescue!

# ltrace hponcfg

popen("strings /bin/openssl | grep 'Ope"..., "r")            = 0x621700
fgets("OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024\n", 256, 0x621700)          = 0x7ffd870e2e10
strstr("OpenSSL 3.2.1 30 Jan 2024\n", "OpenSSL 3.0")         = nil


They run strings /bin/openssl |grep 'OpenSSL' and compare the result with "OpenSSL 3.0"?!

Sure, OpenSSL 3.2 in EL9 is rather fresh and didn't hit RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky yet, but surely there are better ways to check for a compatible version of OpenSSL than THIS?!

Anyway, I am not going to downgrade my OpenSSL. Neither will I patch it to pretend to be 3.0.

But I can patch the hponcfg binary!

# vim /sbin/hponcfg
<go to line 146>
<replace 3.0 with 3.2>

Yes, I used vim. Yes, it works. No, I won't guarantee this won't kill a kitten somewhere.

# ./hponcfg
HPE Lights-Out Online Configuration utility
Version 6.0.0 Date 10/30/2022 (c) 2005,2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Firmware Revision = 2.44 Device type = iLO 5 Driver name = hpilo

  hponcfg  -?
  hponcfg  -h
  hponcfg  -m minFw
  hponcfg  -r [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]
  hponcfg  -b [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]
  hponcfg  [-a] -w filename [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]
  hponcfg  -g [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]
  hponcfg  -f filename [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]
  hponcfg  -i [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw] [-u username] [-p password]

  -h,  --help           Display this message
  -?                    Display this message
  -r,  --reset          Reset the Management Processor to factory defaults
  -b,  --reboot         Reboot Management Processor without changing any setting
  -f,  --file           Get/Set Management Processor configuration from "filename"
  -i,  --input          Get/Set Management Processor configuration from the XML input
                        received through the standard input stream.
  -w,  --writeconfig    Write the Management Processor configuration to "filename"
  -a,  --all            Capture complete Management Processor configuration to the file.
                        This should be used along with '-w' option
  -l,  --log            Log replies to "filename"
  -v,  --xmlverbose     Display all the responses from Management Processor
  -s,  --substitute     Substitute variables present in input config file
                        with values specified in "namevaluepairs"
  -g,  --get_hostinfo   Get the Host information
  -m,  --minfwlevel     Minimum firmware level
  -u,  --username       iLO Username
  -p,  --password       iLO Password

For comparison, here is the diff --text output:

# diff -u --text /sbin/hponcfg ./hponcfg
--- /sbin/hponcfg   2022-08-02 01:07:55.000000000 +0000
+++ ./hponcfg   2024-05-15 09:06:54.373121233 +0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
 helpget_hostinforesetwriteconfigallfileinputlogminfwlevelxmlverbosesubstitutetimeoutdbgverbosityrebootusernamepasswordlibpath%Ah*Ag7Ar=AwIAaMAfRAiXAl\AmgAvrAs}At�Ad�Ab�Au�Ap�Azhgrbaw:f:il:m:vs:t:d:z:u:p:tmpXMLinputFile%2d.xmlw+Error: Syntax Error - Invalid options present.
 =O@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@aQ@�M@�M@aQ@�M@aQ@�N@�M@�N@�P@aQ@aQ@�M@�M@aQ@aQ@LN@aQ@�M@�O@�M@�M@�M@�M@aQ@aQ@�M@<!----><LOGINUSER_LOGINPASSWORD<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="%s" PASSWORD="%s"ERROR: LOGIN tag is missing.
 >ERROR: LOGIN end tag is missing.
-strings  | grep 'OpenSSL 1' | grep 'OpenSSL 3'OpenSSL 1.0OpenSSL 1.1OpenSSL 3.0which openssl 2>&1/usr/bin/opensslOpenSSL location - %s
+strings  | grep 'OpenSSL 1' | grep 'OpenSSL 3'OpenSSL 1.0OpenSSL 1.1OpenSSL 3.2which openssl 2>&1/usr/bin/opensslOpenSSL location - %s
 Current version %s

 No response from command.

Pretty sure it won't apply like this with patch, but you get the idea.

And yes, double-giggles for the fact that the error message says "Install latest SSL library to use HPONCFG" and the issues is because I have the latest SSL library installed…


Thomas Goirand (zigo) wrote on 2024-05-16 07:14:


I've just read your blog post about using HPONCFG. In there you're complaining (rightly) about it not linking correctly to openssl.

Well, you're right, BUT, you should not be using HPONCFG anymore: it's deprecated by HP. Instead, you should be using ilorest, which I by the way have packaged in Debian. The good thing is: it can do all you're doing with HPONCFG, but remotely, using redfish.

If you install "ilorest-chif" (it's a small .so provided by HPe), you can use ilorest locally without any type of auth. I have repackaged ilorest-chif, but I can't redistribute it (it's non-free). Though if you need it, I can send it to you.

I'd suggest you write about it in your blog post, and tell the world nobody should be using hponcfg anymore.

I hope this helps,


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Send your comments to and I will publish them here (if you want).