Desktop in a shell: mutt
Continuing my series about a desktop in a shell, today I will present you my mutt
setup. I use mutt because it has no bugs and is a really good MUA for people loving consoles ;)
First of all you have to know, that all my mail is forwarded to my server and sorted into Maildirs via maildrop, so I do not care about sorting on my "desktop", which just fetches the mail via IMAP from the server ;)
I'm running mutt-patched
from Debian Squeeze, so not all options may be available for you if you do not have the same patchset as I do.
First, tell mutt to fetch mail from
via IMAP:
set imap_user=username set imap_pass=password set folder="imaps://" set spoolfile="imaps://"Now, enable IMAP-IDLE, list subscribed folders, reconnect to the server if needed and mark mail as read when you open it:
set imap_idle set imap_check_subscribed unset imap_passive unset imap_peekLet mutt save sent mail to the Sent directory on the IMAP server, and postponed mail to Drafts:
set record=+Sent set postponed=+DraftsRead mail should stay where it is:
set mbox="!"We use IMAP-IDLE, thus check for new mail manually only every 90 seconds:
set mail_check=90Instead timeout after 15 seconds if no user input is given:
set timeout=15Set default mail from address to my default mail address:
set from=evgeni@golov.deAnd send mail via mstmp (see below for mstmp configuration):
set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"Tell mutt which addresses I recieve mail to (danger, ugly regex!):
alternates (evgeni@(|golov.(de|eu))|sargentd@(die-welt|sargentd).net| mutt knows where I receive mail, let it set From accordingly:
set reverse_nameLet mutt cache some stuff and find its certificates:
set header_cache="~/.mutt/cache/headers" set message_cachedir="~/.mutt/cache/bodies" set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certificates set ssl_ca_certificates_file=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crtShow only interesting headers in an useful order:
ignore headers * unignore headers from to subject date cc hdr_order from to cc subject dateFix stupid MUAs behaviour (e.g. filenames like
set rfc2047_parametersBeep on new mail, will generate a "!" in the window name in screen:
set beep_newmutt-patched has the great sidebar patch, assign ctrl-n, ctrl-p to select next, prev folder, ctrl-o to open selected folder:
bind index \Cp sidebar-prev bind index \Cn sidebar-next bind index \Co sidebar-openAnd toggle sidebar visibility with ctrl-b:
macro index \Cb '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><refresh>' macro pager \Cb '<enter-command>toggle sidebar_visible<enter><redraw-screen>'Since 1.5.20-2, mutt patched contains my sidebar-dotted and sidebar-sorted patches. Let mutt shorten the displayed path (e.g.
instead of
) and sort the folders (the are returned in random order when using imap_check_subscribed):
set sidebar_shortpath set sidebar_sortNow let's set some colors (that match the rest of my "desktop"):
color sidebar_new yellow default color normal white default color hdrdefault brightcyan default color signature green default color attachment brightyellow default color quoted green default color quoted1 white default color tilde blue defaultAnd add some useful macros for marking new and old messages as read:
macro index .n "<tag-pattern>~N<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<clear-flag>*" "Catchup all new messages" macro index .o "<tag-pattern>~O<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>O<clear-flag>*" "Catchup all old messages"When forwarding mail, I like it to be forwarded as an attachment (YMMV):
set mime_forward=yesI'm using goobook in mutt to fetch my addressbook from Google. As there is no Debian package for goobook (yet), you have to install it yourself (via
apt-get install python-argparse python-gdata python-simplejson python-keyring python-nose easy_install goobookConfiguration is easy via
[DEFAULT] # If not given here, email and password is taken from .netrc using # machine email: password: passwordAnd then add the following to your
set query_command="goobook query '%s'" bind editor complete-query macro index,pager a "<pipe-message>goobook add<return>" "add the sender address to Google contacts"That's all for mutt, but... We are running mutt in a screen, so let's add the following to
to fix transparency and cut&paste (see
defbce on term screen-bceAnd as mutt uses mstmp (yes, I know, mutt can handle SMTP itself...), this is my
defaults domain tls on account host from auth on user username password password tls_starttls on tls_certcheck off # Set a default account account default : die-welt.netC'est tout! That is my personal mutt configuration, you can download it as one file here: my .muttrc. And as everyone loves screenshots, here is one:

, but not before next Sunday (March 6th) as I'll be offline for a week, skiing in Austria :)
What is the advantage of set mbox=”!” instead of set move=no?
I guess there is none :)
Alright, your article convinced me to give mutt a 2nd/3rd shot. We’ll see how it competes with roundcube.
Hi Evgeni,
i found a very nice way recently to not have the IMAP password in clear text in the .muttrc. This requires gnome and the gnome-keyring though.
a) Fetch gnome-keyring-query.c from and compile it. I put the binary in my $HOME/bin.
b) Set the following in your .muttrc:
set my_pw_ftbfs=`~/bin/gnome-keyring-query get mutt_ftbfs`
account-hook ‘set imap_pass=$my_pw_ftbfs’
c) Now set the password in the gnome Keyring:
# echo “yoursecretpassword ” | ~/bin/gnome-keyring-query set mutt_ftbfs
Yes, gnome-keyring-query could be a bit smarter, but it works for me quite well.
Hi Martin, goobook supports gnome-keyring via python-keyring too. I should have a look at it. Thanks for the tip.
I’d long given up using mutt at $EMPLOYER because of strange crashes and hangs – reading your guide, I’m betting the problem is that I left ‘timeout’ (and perhaps ‘imap_passive’) set at the default. I’ve changed my config and I’m going to try it out!
Thanks very much!
This looks really nice (and mutt is blazingly fast when you compare it to other IMAP clients); I might give it another try now…
There’s one small problem, though – it seems that your ‘sidebar dotted’ patch assumes that the folder name has to start with INBOX (and thus does not shorten any non-INBOX-contained hierarchies I’m using). Perhaps adding a configuration option to set the hierarchy prefix or prefix list (preferably using a regexp) would be a solution here?